Friday 7 November 2008

Machu Picchu

We traveled by train from Cusco to Agues Calientes to see Machu Picchu which proved to be very scenic and overwhelmingly beautiful. We took Val’s recommendation and stayed overnight in Agues Calientes so we could return the next day. It really is too much to take in all in one day; first day with tour guide and second day alone. It is one of the two most spiritual places I have ever been. It is hard to imagine that these were built 6 or 700 years ago. Some restoration has been made but for the most part, it is very authentic and as it was left by the Incas. MP is at about 14,000 feet. It is hard for me to breathe at that altitude, much less breathe and walk at the same time. It’s really hard to describe so I will share the experience with our photos. They say it all!

It was enjoyable to walk around Agues Calientes in the afternoon and evening. We were glad for the overnighter.

On our second day, we had a meditation in a sacred private place we found. Only on our way back to the trail were we told that we were not supposed to be there. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who thought it to be a sacred place. We enjoyed exploring the places and areas that we didn’t get to see up close the first day and have a few daring moments. (David always said Chris and I were into extreme sports!) We are definitely slowing down but will probably always be adventurous. I certainly hope so. Everyone loved the Alpacas and Llamas and we were no exception!

The other gift of this segment of the journey was the train ride to and from. Neither of us had ever traveled by train. We were in a club car and they served a meal. The train had a vista dome so we could see up and out; very good for taking pictures. Train ride was probably about four hours and the slow going also makes for better pictures.

On our return trip, after we were seated a group of Japanese boarded and two Japanese women sat opposite us. One of them had purple hair in the front and Chris and I were just sure she had discovered Lawrence Kibbedaux in Houston. Lawrence had wanted to get his hands in my hair for years so before we left Houston, I have him one shot at it so he gave me a purple starburst in front. The Japanese women spoke no English and Chris knows only a little Japanese. We had a great fun time with them as you will see by the pictures. Language doesn’t have to be a barrier.

There are many, many more pictures that are or will be appearing in our Picasa Albums at

A very memorable time and place!

More to come,


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